Introduction to Adobe Lightroom

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so this is the screen that greets you when you log into Adobe Lightroom this is a Toby Lightroom classic CC their latest desktop version they do have some different versions mainly Adobe Lightroom cc I’m not going to go into too much detail about the ins and outs of Lightroom the different versions they do and even the the basics of getting your photos into Lightroom importing them but what I am going to talk about is the specifics of editing your photos developing them is turn these in Lightroom so this develop module is what we will use to do that so I set up a small catalog about 300 images I’ll show you all the whole catalog looks like so here are my images that’s basically all of the sample images that we saw during the lessons so if you’re seeing this first then as you watch through the different lessons as part of the course you’ll see a lot of these images pop up as examples so I’m going to talk you through how I edited each one and what you’ll be able to do is so what I’ve done here is I’ve created a virtual copy which is as simple as right clicking and clicking create virtual copy and I’ve removed all the edits from that virtual copy so you can see my final version what should have seen in the course if you watch that that section and the original as it came out of the camera basically Lightroom does apply some small edits just to make it look a bit more presentable compared to the raw file and I’ll talk you through the various things it’s doing but I thought it would be interesting to see for instance how I got from this image to the final version which for a variety of different types of image I’m going to try and cover all the main types of sur photo that you might want to take and luckily enough there’s not a huge variety because you’re basically gonna be taking pictures of the ocean or in some circumstances perhaps a lake but essentially you’re dealing with water and you’re gonna be outside so I’ll run through a few different different situations what you might want to do what you might want to have your photos ending up looking like and you’ll be able to see what my process was from start to finish I’m going to cover GoPro like this one for instance and I’ll also cover like so yeah mobile phone this is from an iPhone 7 and dslr’s Canon 60d 70d I’m sure there’s some examples here and more recently my Sony mirrorless cameras that a6000 and a6 500 being the main two but you’re gonna get an idea of how to do it you can apply these various different techniques to any camera and lens combo basically so let’s see I’ll just show you really quickly what the develop module looks like on one of these images let me find a virtual copy if I click here that’s gonna filter so I just see the virtual copies I’ll I’ve already made sure that they’re selected so let’s click on this one so here you go this is an original shot on a slightly overcast day if I go into the develop module here we go and if I click the back slash button that’s gonna show you my final version so as you can see Kohi changes on this one and the original images always look a bit flat as they come out of the camera and the reason for that is that the raw file format is trying to preserve the darkest blacks of the image and the brightest highlights and it’s trying to flatten those out so that you can still see all of them and then the job you’ve got there in this in this case in Lightroom is to basically re-edit it in the way that you want but I tend to go towards what a version of that image which more like it looked when you saw it with your eyes so obviously in this case I’ve taken out a little guy here because I prefer I just think it’s a nicer image with just one surfer and I’ll show you how to do that as well it’s very simple it’s not perfect as you can see people might if they were zooming in and they really wanted to figure that out they could see that there’s a little spot here which has been cloned over but generally speaking I don’t think anyone would notice that unless they knew it would happened or if they were looking for in particular and I don’t spend a huge amount of time editing my images so these do a series of videos like I say covering the majority of the different types of surf photo that you might want to edit and it won’t take me too long to go through them because I I don’t do a huge amount of editing to each photo but it’s going to be interesting for you hopefully to see how I approach editing away images and getting them from from a kind of flat original into a more exciting hopefully the final image and so we’ll see yeah a variety of different images I won’t bore you too much with looking at too many images right now because I’ll dig into them in detail in the individual videos for each one and if there’s any types of images or internet that which you really like to see which I haven’t featured yet don’t give me a shout because this type of image is one that I can this type of video rather is one that I can produce hopefully fairly quickly as I say don’t do a huge amount of editing myself I’ll show you a couple of other techniques which happen outside of Lightroom mostly dealing with this type of circular fisheye image but hopefully you can apply then to other fisheye photos that you’ve taken so that’s my really quick intro to Lightroom and how I use it so I’ll let you know dip into one of the individual image videos so you can see exactly how I got from A to B and I’d say you know when you get to that final stage then you you can export that that’s style those edits effectively as a preset and I’ll do that for each of the videos that I do so that you can then take them away and if you’ve got an image that’s perhaps similar lighting or you just want to try out one of the looks that I’ve created in these videos you can simply import the presets and then you can apply that to your own photo and see what it looks like and then you can edit from there use it as a starting point perhaps so that’s one of the really useful things about Lightroom that you’ll discover if you do take take on this type style of post-processing and hopefully and like I say it’d be quite useful and you’ll get some presets that you can start with and hopefully it’ll be a really good starting point for you in your own journey into post-processing sir photos





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