If you’ve been keeping up with the posts recently you will of seen the Kirstin Scholtz interview with surfcareers.com, which focused on her career in surf photography, well Stab Mag have just put out an interview with the ASP’s official photographer which covers a bit more ground, there’s a nice, more extensive photo gallery of her images, and the questions, whilst not super relevant to learning surf photography, do cover some aspects which were lacking from the previous interview.
Here’s the link (be aware there’s currently a NSFW catch surf ad’ running before the main content): http://stabmag.com/premium/running-with-the-bulls-kirstin-scholtz/
This is my favourite image from the gallery, it shows a pretty well photographed wave form the Cloudbreak swell that hit during the contest, the photo you’ve seen of this wave is probably the one from a few frames later with the riderless board just about to spin off the top of the lip but I really like this more pulled back angle showing the main pack of riders looking into the guts of the biggest wave to come through.
As usual for these interview posts I’ve picked out my favourite Q & A:
What pisses you off about your job? No Internet at a contest. You might as well not even be there, you know. I’m there to promote an event and send images out to the world almost instantaneously and if there’s no Internet I can’t do that. It’s a waste of time for everyone.
That says it all about contest coverage, it’s all about getting the photo’s out there quickly and making it available to the widest possible audience, she says she “handles all the social media”, that’s a big role in itself I imagine and she has to be on the ball and capture the defining moments of each heat and event as well so I imagine it’s a nightmare when the internet is patchy.
I don’t think there’s much more to take away from this interview over the last one for aspiring surf photographers, but do make sure to hit the link to see the photo gallery at least, I think the non action shots are especially good and might inspire you to look at some of the other aspects of everyday surfing outside of the water.
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