I’ve just noticed that Flickr has had a huge facelift, my photostream page now looks pretty awesome, but it does reflect the fact that I’ve not taken many (publicly accessible) surfing photo’s recently.
I love my Flickr Pro account but I don’t use the social features very much, hopefully this re-design and the better mobile experience (for ios devices at least) will drive some new features which I can use a bit more once I complete my own re-design of this blog.
Edit: I’ve just had a chance to look into all the changes, not just the look of the site but the new storage levels and free features, and it looks like there’s not much advantage to being a pro member anymore, I’ve been using Flickr since 2005 and I’ve only uploaded 11669 photo’s, so I’m pretty confident a Terrabyte of space is enough for me, and I can cope with adverts.
So basically, it looks nicer, works better on my tablet and phone and now I don’t have to pay for it either, so I’m pretty stoked, and the money I’ll save I can put towards some web hosting for this blog.
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