Learning Surf Photography

How To – Surf Photography Using A Flash

I will be going in to much more detail, including producing a video, in some future posts, but here’s a taster of the flash set-up I’ve botched together this weekend.

Using some cheap radio triggers, a couple of butchered cables and a modestly priced flash gun I am now able to trigger a flash in the sea with my Canon 60D in my Aquatech CR-60 housing.

I had originally designed the set-up for use with the camera on land in the traditional remote flash surf shot method, but the conditions did not cooperate last week for a trial, so this weekend I worked on squeezing one of my transceivers inside my housing to give me a cheap way of getting a flash in the water.

This is Ed Baines surfing, the flash is off to the left a bit, I’m sure if it was darker and I’d got closer the effect would be a lot more dramatic.

First impressions are pretty positive, it wasn’t really dark enough for the full effect and there’s a few kinks to work out, I will be experimenting more and when I’ve got some good examples of what I want to achieve I will put up a full post (with a video) on how you can build the rig.

It cost about £70 for the parts, including the flash, all of which can be used for general photography too so it’s a pretty cheap way to see if flash photography in the water is something you want to jump into.