Just a quick one, Praia do Norte in Nazaré, Portugal has been in the headlines after the recent massive swell, I’ve been busy surfing the not so massive swell in the UK so I haven’t been keeping up with the posts here, I’ve got a couple of good one’s coming up fairly soon though so keep an eye out.
For now you’ll have to settle for this shot I took of Ben Poole at Nazaré in October 2011, when the waves aren’t quite so monstrous it’s actually a very hollow wedging beachbreak as you can see.

I was using a 70-300 mm stabilised Canon lens which I was not very impressed with at all, as you can see it’s soft at the edges, and this was at 154mm so it wasn’t stretching it’s limits, my current Canon 70-200mm F4 L lens would have done a much better job, still, this photo is better than none, and it did a reasonable job for shooting video on the trip.
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