Learning Surf Photography

Nosebone – New GoPro mount

Here’s another Kickstarter that might be interesting if you use a GoPro and you ride a longboard, SUP or fish.

It’s not often that I see a new type of surboard mount for a GoPro, but that’s what the Nosebone is. It’s a pretty niche mount in that it’s only really suitable for longboards, SUP’s or wide nosed fish surfboards, but if that’s what you ride then it’ll offer something fresh for your next GoPro edit.

The Nosebone extends off the front of your board and gives you a pretty cool angle looking back up at you from beneath the nose.

Naturally this lends itself to longboarding and nose riding in particular.

I’m hoping to get hold of one to give it a go on one of my soft boards, but you can check out the video above to see it in action and if you’re up for pledging at least $30 US then you could  have one on the way too.

Nosebone Gopro mount key details

So if you ride a big board and want a different angle from your Gopro this looks like a great option for you.

There’s also options for funding which include surf photo prints as a reward.

Check out the Noseboone Kickstarter page to see the images that are available.