UPDATE: you can now watch my review video where I compare the SPL Dome Port and housing system with the KNEKT GPLT trigger system.
I saw this SPL GoPro Housing on the surf photographers united forum, I tried to find out a bit more about it but there’s nothing on the SPL site that I can find and the only other link I can see on line is via Reddit, so all there is to go on are these images at the moment

Why Use a GoPro Dome?
The only advantage I can see to the huge dome would be getting over/under shots, as I mentioned in my post on the subject a big dome is an advantage as it makes it much easier to get the 50/50 above/below water angle, and the surface line stands out more too.
I love shooting video with my GoPro Hero 3+ Black edition, and you can certainly get decent underwater video with the new Hero 3 cases (with the flat port as standard), but it’s a fixed aperture lens, so it effectively shoots in aperture priority at f2.8, and because it’s such a tiny sensor bumping the ISO up kills the image quality more than it would on a DSLR, so naturally you end up with ISO 100 and a slow shutter speed for any sort of photo with low light.
Slow shutter speed for video is mostly a good thing, that’s why you use an ND filter to shoot in bright light and keep the shutter speed at twice the frame rate.
Maybe if they did a firmware update to allow you to prioritise a high shutter speed over ISO it would be better, but then you’d have noisy images nearly every time.
If you want to shoot over/under in good light and don’t have the money for a DSLR, fisheye and housing, this is perfect.
Otherwise, it’s less practical than just using the standard housing that comes with the GoPro, or one of the other pistol grips that I mentioned in my post a little while ago.
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